Dr Bob's Southwest Motorcycle Ride
August 2003 -- I rode from Encino through Phoenix and Tucson to El Paso, then north through Albuquerque and Colorado to Moab, Utah. Then south through Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon, and finally back to Encino.
A (rather large!) road runner sculpture at a rest area in southeastern New Mexico.
In the distance, the city of Las Cruces and the Organ Mountains.
El Paso with Ciudad Juarez in the background.
In El Paso, I visited the Lucchese Boot Company. My feet were measured for custom fitted boots. My feet are not the same size. I ordered a pair of black calf boots for pick-up on my way to Florida.
Lucchese Boots, the Best
Then I was off to Arches National Park, but first, a 120 mile side trip to see White Sands National Monument. The sand is so white that it looks like snow.
In the sky above me at White Sands.
I continued north to Albuquerque, getting soaking wet in a thunderstorm. I was west of Truth or Consequences. There were no exits from the Interstate. There were no overpasses. I found that riding about 45 mph was the best option. Stopping was worse. At that time I had no rain gear. It was summer, in the desert, what were the chances of rain!
A square in Albuquerque.
Then through Gallup and past Shiprock.
I cut through the southwest corner of Colorado, then into Utah to Moab.
The first arch I saw, but not yet at the National Park.
The Colorado River.
I began the trip back to Encino. I headed South through Monument Valley, one of my favorite places.
It was time to go home. I headed south to I-40, and on to the California border. I was hit by a second thunderstorm, but not as bad this time. Fortunately an exit came soon and I sought sanctuary. Then to the Arizona/California border and on to Encino. Finally, back home.
2,734 miles total, in 6 days.